Dedicated to the memory of Hugh Hardy

Dec 21st 1939 - Oct 13th 2008



1960 - Idlewild Airport, NY
1960 - Croke Park, Dublin
1961 - WJRZ
1961 - Army reserves
1961 - Army buddies
1961 - Bishop Fulton Sheen
1961 - Omeath
1962 - Eamonn De Valera
1962 - Late, late show
1962 - Queens, NY
1962 - Maureen O' Hara
1963 - Joe Franklin
1963 - Carnegie Hall, NY
1963 - The Beatles
1964 - Pioneer magazine
April 19th, 1965
1965 - Leaving America
Molly & Leo McShane
1967 - Rory Gallagher
1968 - Chubby Checker
1968 - Mighty Avon's
1968 - Cliff Richard

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